Well we had a little mini opening this weekend and sold our first milk. We thought we would try things out quietly so my Dad and John put up our subtle dairy signs on Sunday morning along with the lovely new blackboards which John made for the shop. We pasteurised some milk on Saturday evening and put a small amount in the vending machine for Sunday morning. A few people saw the signs and came in to see us which was just perfect to test it all out.

Nick hanging the sign

Hanging sign at Farm entrance

It is only the whole milk that is for sale until the other vending machine arrives but we salted a new batch of soft cheese to be ready for that yesterday and made basil soft cheese and mint soft cheese which are ready now too.
Will be running the next batch of milk through the pasteuriser on Monday evening ready for sale on Tuesday morning. We will be pasteurising in the evening every other day from now on, using the milk from that morning and afternoons milkings so it is as fresh as it can be when we process it. The tanker from the dairy that takes the rest of the milk comes every other day so our milk will be on sale nearly a day before the rest of it leaves us for processing.
We are really pleased with how the vending machine is working so far, and hopefully the cheese and cream vending machine will be here soon too.

Milk blackboards in the shop